Single event handler for multiple events

We can use a single event handler to execute the same piece of code for multiple events.
This can be achieved by simply updating the event handler attributes.

 [DataEventHandler(tableStr(SalesTable), DataEventType::ValidatingDelete),  
     DataEventHandler(tableStr(SalesTable), DataEventType::Inserted,  
     DataEventHandler(tableStr(SalesTable), DataEventType::Deleted)]  
   public static void myEventHandler(Common sender, DataEventArgs e)  

Or, it can also be used to handle similar events from multiple tables.

 [DataEventHandler(tableStr(SalesTable), DataEventType::Inserted),  
     DataEventHandler(tableStr(CustTable), DataEventType::Inserted,  
     DataEventHandler(tableStr(SalesLine), DataEventType::Inserted)]  
   public static void myEventHandler(Common sender, DataEventArgs e)  
