Create dialog form using X++

Dynamics 365 gives the capability to create dialog form.We can however also create a dialog form through code dynamically at runtime.

  1. Create a class called DEMODialog extending RunBase

  2.  public class DEMODialog extends RunBase  

  3. Add global variables that will be the parameters that will be accepted in our dialog

  4.  public class DEMODialog extends RunBase  
       DialogField       dialogSalesId;  
       SalesId salesId;  
       FormDataSource     formDataSource;  

  5. Create dialog method to give the dialog caption, add the field, add field label. Look at the image at the last to understand the below code.

  6.  Object dialog()  
         Dialog dialog = super();  
         dialog.caption("Dialog caption");  
         dialog.addTabPage("Tab page");  
         DialogGroup dialogGroup = dialog.addGroup("dialog group");  
         // Add a field for a name to the dialog. This will populate the field with  
         // any value that happens to be saved in name from previous uses of the  
         // dialog.  
         dialogSalesId = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(SalesId));  
         return dialog;  

  7. Override the validate method to validate if a value is provided in the field(if needed)

  8.  boolean validate (Object _calledFrom = null)  
         boolean isValid;  
         isValid = super(_calledFrom);  
         // Perform any validation nessecary.  
         if (!dialogSalesId.value())  
           isValid = checkFailed("Validation failed")) && isValid;  
         return isValid;  

  9. Create the main method to execute the dialog box.

  10.  public static void main (Args _args)  
         DEMODialog demoDialog= new DEMODialog();  
         // Display the dialog. This only returns true if the the user clicks "Ok" and validation passes.  
         if (demoDialog.prompt())  
            //Logic when Ok is clicked goes here  

  11. Create an action menu item with the object type as class and object as DEMODialog.
  12. Open the menu item to trigger the dialog.

The final dialog that opens up :

Final Dialog
